M.A. : English; Hindi; Panjabi; A.I.H., Cul. & Arch.; Philosophy; Sanskrit; Economics; Business Economics; History; Political Science; Psychology; Public Administration; Master of Social Work (MSW); Sociology; Women Studies. Fine Arts : M.A. Fine Arts (Painting/Applied Art); Master of Fine Art (Printing/Applied Art/Printmaking- Graphics/Sculputre) ; BFA(Printing/Applied Art /Sculputre Commerce : M.Com. | M.Sc. : Bio-Chemistry; Bio-Technology; Botany; Food, Nutrition & Dietetics; Human Development; Environmental Science; Microbiology; Zoology; Forensic Science; Chemistry(Org.,Phy.,&Inorg.); Chemistry with Specialization in Pharmaceuticals; Electronic Sc.; Geography; Applied Geology; M.Tech. (Applied Geology 5 Yr. Integrated Course); M.Sc. Tech in Applied Geophysics; Mathematics; Physics; Statistics; |
Law : LL.B. 3 Yr.(Professional); B.A. LL.B.(Hons.) 5 Yr. Integrated; LL.M. Pharmacy : M.Pharmacy. Management :MBA 2Yr.; MBA 5 Yr.; Tourism & Hotel Mgt. : MTTM; MHM &CT; BHM&CT. | Mass Comm. & Media Tech. : M.A. (Journalism & Mass Comm.); M.Sc. (Mass Comm.); B.A. (Mass Comm.); B.Sc (Graphics & Animation); B.Sc (Multimedia); B.Sc (Printing & Packaging Tech.) |
Computer : MCA 2-Yr.; M.Sc Computer Sc. Software. Library : M. Lib. & Inf. Sc.; B.Lib. & Inf. Sc. Physical Education : M.A. (Yoga); M.P.Ed.; B.P.Ed.; Certificate Course in Yoga; P.G. Diploma in Yoga. Education : M.A.(Education); M.Ed. Spl. Ed. (V.I.); B.Ed. Special Ed.(V.I.). Music : M.A. (Vocal & Instrumental); Master of Performing Arts 5 Yr Integrated Course. | Certificate Course : French; German; Panjabi; Communication Skills; Urdu ; Bhagvadgita. Diploma : French; German; Urdu; Yoga & Applied Philosophy; Reasoning. Advanced Diploma : French; German. P.G. Diploma: Translation (Hindi/English/ Panjabi); Buddhist Studies; Floriculture; Guidance, Counseling & Psychotherapy; Women Studies. |
M.Tech. : Energy & Environmental Mgt.; Computer Sc. & Engg.; Micro Electronic and VLSI Designs; Nano Sc. & Tech.; Electrical & Instrumentation Engg.; Bio-tech.; Computer Engg.; Electrical Engg.; Electronics & Comm. Engg.; Material Sc. & Tech.; Mechanical Engg. (Industrial & Production Engg.); Mechanical Engg. (Thermal Engg.); Software Engg. | *M.Ed. *Certificate Course of Sports Dietician; *Certificate Course in Gym & Aerobic Instructor. *Schedule will be issued later on. |